Role-based talent assessments for specific positions

Go beyond primary coding skills and assess candidates for role-based remote hiring needs


Evaluate candidates with real-world problems

  • 01
    Create Assessments

    Create custom role-based assessments or choose from our collection of pre-existing questions

  • 02
    Invite Candidates

    Invite candidates to complete the test on our supported frameworks and IDEs

  • 03
    Evaluate candidates

    Identify top performers through automated performance reports and interactive dashboard

  • 04
    Leverage SEB

    Live invigilation, screen recording, and plagiarism detection for real-time proctoring of candidates during their test attempt

Frameworks and IDEs for role-based skill assessment

Front-End Developer

Specialises in design, outlook, navigation and layouts of the website. Implements web designs through programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They link together the world of design and technology, packaging up the utility of the back-end in an inviting way for users to interact with.

Skills supported

Frameworks - (React, Angular), Front-End Architecture, Using REST APIs, Other Front-end Tools

DevOps Engineer

Are responsible for writing the web services and APIs used by front-end developers and mobile application developers. A back-end developer is responsible for server-side web application logic as well as the integration of the front-end part.

Skills supported

Problem-solving, SQL, Back-end Frameworks, (Java Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails,Python, Django, .NET Core, Node.js), Object-Oriented Programming , Building and Using REST APIs

Data Scientist

Data scientists work closely with business stakeholders to understand their goals and determine how data can be used to achieve those goals. They design data modeling processes, create algorithms and predictive models to extract the data the business needs, then help analyse the data and share insights with peers.

Skills supported

SQL, Python, Statistics, Data Wrangling, Modeling,Data Visualization,Machine Learning,Project Environment- Jupyter

Full Stack Developer

Full-stack developers are proficient in both, front-end and back-end coding. Their primary responsibility includes designing user interfaces on websites, setting up databases and servers, and coding for mobile platforms.

Skills supported

SQL, Python, PHP, MySQL, .NET Core, Node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Customer Facing Role

Customer Facing Role

Customer-facing roles, success hinges on active listening, effective communication, and quick comprehension. Professionals in these positions serve as the frontline representatives of a business, adeptly addressing customer concerns, providing clear and concise information, and understanding the nuances of each interaction.

Skills supported

Listening, Communication, Comprehension

Personality Fitment Role

Personality trait of an employee provides extensive insight into an individual's personality, motivations, and aspirations. This allows recruiters to assess the alignment of these factors with the company's culture and the requirements of the role, in addition to the candidate's abilities which are not always found in a resume. By offering a comprehensive evaluation, psychometric tests empower recruiters to gain a holistic understanding of a candidate's skills, abilities, and personality traits

Skills supported

Psychometric, Personality, Role Fitment


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