4 Ways to assess talent and build a better talent pipeline

By Pranav Mittal 5 Min Read Published on: 28th Aug 2020

Hiring the best talent is a tiring - and yet unpredictable - job. Every recruiter receives hundreds of resumes, and most times they have false or exaggerated details. Also for tech profiles, skills mentioned on paper mean nothing credible.

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Without a rigorous talent assessment, it is not possible to shortlist candidates for the interview. In such scenarios, the Artificial Intelligence-based SpeedHire serves as a boon to evaluate skills unbiasedly, and help recruit the best talent.

If you are wondering how to assess the tech quotient of candidates using SpeedHire, here are four best practices that you can follow.

1. Ask quality questions

The quality of the questions you ask in a technical job interview defines the skill level of the candidates you will add to your talent pool. The questions should be to the point and well-defined. SpeedHire offers an extensive library of over 15,000 standard technical questions on various cutting-edge technologies. Also, you can add your own questions to make the skill test more specific.

2. Unbiased interview process

Hiring managers often go by their instinct and end up making a wrong hiring decision, which affects the organizations adversely in the long run. SpeedHire offers an automated remote interview experience to minimise human intervention and helps in selecting the top candidates based on the performance of the tests.

3. Simple setup reduces hiring mistakes

Often, hiring managers send interview invitations to irrelevant and unqualified candidates, either in the pressure of quickly building a larger candidate pipeline or in the ignorance of fair HR practices. This is a waste of time and effort. SpeedHire can be easily integrated with various automated resume shortlisting tools (ATS) to avoid such instances. It supports 54+ modern programming languages, allowing the recruiters to interview candidates for multiple profiles in one go.

4. Prepare a skill report of every candidate

This is a common hiring practice to make a note of all the strong and weak points of a candidate. However, it becomes difficult when hiring in bulk. SpeedHire gives you detailed insights into every candidate's technical skills (after the test), in the form of a well-structured report and saves all these efforts. You can compare these insights with that of other candidates and pick the best fit easily.

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