5 Ways to attract and hire the best developers

By Sukriti Yaduwanshi 5 Min Read Published on: 09th Sep 2020

Attracting, assessing, hiring, training, and retaining employees are the five major job functions of a Human Resources team. In today's world, when new ideas and products are disrupting the market every day, it is critical for organisations to build highly skilled teams to have great products and ensure business survival.

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For meeting such a requirement, talent assessment platform SpeedHire is a necessity. This AI-powered platform helps recruiters pick the top talent basis unbiased skill evaluation. Here are 5 quick ways about how SpeedHire helps build a great tech team. -

1. Increase your talent scouting - Go beyond physical boundaries

In today's time, you can't limit your recruitments to physical boundaries. SpeedHire lets you assess skills and hire developers remotely, from anywhere.

2. Set up tests easily

You can set up tests quickly from a huge library of 15,000+ quality questions, or add customised tests. You can build assessments to test the proficiency of developers in 54 programming languages.

3. Analyse candidates' performance with data-led reports

Evaluating candidates' skills is a daunting task. SpeedHire makes it simpler by providing a detailed AI-generated report of the skills of each candidate. That enables recruiters to comprehensively screen candidates on the basis of data, not judgment.

4. Standardised assessments to avoid bias, build a seamless team

Hiring your friend's cousin or manager's friend might not serve the job role at hand. Minimize cognitive bias in assessment by using standardised assessments on SpeedHire. It helps you play fair and recruit a skilled workforce.

5. #Vocalforlocal

SpeedHire is made in India and built for the world. SpeedHire has completed more than 1,00,000+ tech talent assessments to date. Its clients include some of the most well-known names in the IT industry - both Indian companies and foreign players.

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